
Resolving the problem of goods circulation: Proposal to vaccinate drivers and transport workers

If the problem of vaccinating drivers, transport workers, logistics workers, etc. can be solved, the transportation and circulation of goods will be ensured.

Resolving the problem of goods circulation: Proposal to vaccinate drivers and transport workers - 1

Goods can circulate smoothly when QR Codes are issued.

Specifically, the priority groups for vaccination include drivers, inter-provincial transport assistants, workers at seaports, border gates, etc.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, logistics, transport and circulation of goods are the lifeblood of the country's economic activities, including industrial production. When the process of circulation and transportation of goods and raw materials for production is not ensured, it will lead to the risk of disruption of the domestic supply chain and production chain.

The disruption and breakage of the production chain of enterprises in the processing and manufacturing industries, key export industries such as textiles, footwear, electronics, etc. in the global value chain will seriously affect the development of the Vietnamese economy in the long term.

When the global value chain is disrupted, large buyers and manufacturers in the world will seek to compensate for the shortage of the supply chain from other countries instead of Vietnamese enterprises. Returning to the global value chain and supply chain will be extremely difficult and require a long process.

In addition, the agricultural and food processing industries that process essential foods are also seriously affected due to the seasonal nature as well as the short shelf life, leading to serious difficulties for businesses and farmers in the livestock and agricultural sectors.

In addition, the disruption and breakage of the production chain also leads to the disruption of cash flow serving production and business activities, creating great financial pressure for businesses, and seriously affecting more than 11.3 million workers in the processing and manufacturing industries as well as tens of millions of workers in related industries.

The main reason for the disruption of the circulation of goods and raw materials serving production in recent times is mainly because many levels of government have not yet properly assessed the importance of the labor force in the transportation and logistics sectors in serving the circulation of goods for production, business and consumption activities in the context of the epidemic.

Resolving obstacles in goods circulation: Proposal to vaccinate drivers and transport workers - 2

Reducing congestion, Hanoi issues "green lane" identification cards for vehicles passing through 22 checkpoints

Therefore, to achieve the dual goal of both fighting the epidemic and ensuring production and business, workers in the transport industry, especially drivers and inter-provincial transport staff, labor forces at seaports, border gates, etc., play an important role.

These people are responsible for ensuring the continuity and smooth flow of essential goods, supplies, and medical equipment for epidemic prevention as well as in the supply of raw materials and goods for domestic production and value chains.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, there is currently no scientific basis to confirm that goods are a source of COVID-19 infection. Therefore, if the vaccination of the above subjects is resolved similar to the front lines against the epidemic, the circulation of goods will be guaranteed.

“Because the role of this workforce has not been properly assessed, many localities have not prioritized implementing epidemic prevention policies, especially prioritizing vaccination. This has led to very complicated and costly quarantine procedures, wasting time and money for businesses,” the document stated.

Previously, the Department of Industry also proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade request the Ministry of Health to consider amending regulations and guidelines on priority subjects for COVID-19 vaccination.

In particular, adding workers in the transportation industry (drivers, inter-provincial transport assistants and other subjects in the logistics industry, workers at seaports, border gates, etc.) as priority subjects for vaccination.

At the same time, it is recommended that the Ministry of Health amend the priority level for workers and relatives of workers working at enterprises (including enterprises in industrial parks, export processing zones, etc.) to become priority subjects for vaccination to ensure the safety of workers and so that enterprises can soon return to stable production and business activities.

According to VTC News

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